a) Size & shape
Female breast remains in rudimentary from
during childhood as in the male throughout
life It rapidly enlarges at thr age of puberty and
gets more developed during pregnancy & lactation
but atropies in the old age It forms a large hemi
spherical eminence on each side of the chest wall in
the young adult females. Size & weight of the breast
are variableat different ages and in different individuals.
during childhood as in the male throughout
life It rapidly enlarges at thr age of puberty and
gets more developed during pregnancy & lactation
but atropies in the old age It forms a large hemi
spherical eminence on each side of the chest wall in
the young adult females. Size & weight of the breast
are variableat different ages and in different individuals.
b) Situation
It lies in the superficial fascia, because of the fact that it
is a modified sebaceous gland gland. It has no true
capsule but is unsheathed by the superficial fascia
of the pectoral region.
is a modified sebaceous gland gland. It has no true
capsule but is unsheathed by the superficial fascia
of the pectoral region.
It extends vertically from the 2nd to the 6th rib and
horizontally from the side of the sternum almost to
the mid-auxiliary line opposite the 4th costal cartilage.
From the upper & outer part of the gland, a tongue-
horizontally from the side of the sternum almost to
the mid-auxiliary line opposite the 4th costal cartilage.
From the upper & outer part of the gland, a tongue-
like process, called the Axillary’s tail (of Spence),
extends upwards by curling round the lower border
of the Pectorals major up to the level of the 3rd rib
in the axilla, where it comes into close relation with
the auxiliary vessels.
extends upwards by curling round the lower border
of the Pectorals major up to the level of the 3rd rib
in the axilla, where it comes into close relation with
the auxiliary vessels.
d) Relation
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