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Male Breast

It remains rudimentary and undeveloped through out the whole life. It consists of minute lactiferous ducts mixed with fibrous tissue & fat. There is no formation of alveoli in it. Due to harmonica imbalance between the oestrogens & androgens, the male breast may be hypertrophied after puberty leading to a condition known as “Gynaecomastia” which may affect one or both sides.

Articulation of the Thorax
1.         Sternoclaviculr joint
            Type : Sallar (saddle) varity of synovial joint.
2.         Manubriosternal joint
            Type : Symphysis.
3.         Xiphisternal joint
            Type:  Symphysis

4.         Sternocostal joint
            Type : Synchondrosis (1st ) and (2nd to 7th) synovial joint.

5.         Costovertebral joint
            Type : Plane type of synovial joint

Movement of the Ribs

1.         Bucket Handle movement: This type of the movement occur in the middle portion of the ribs (7th to 12th) moves upwards and outwards around the antero posterior axis passing through the angle of the rib to the costosternal junction.

            It increase Transverse diameter of the chest cavity

2.         Pump handle movement: This type of movement occur in the anterior ends of the rib (2nd to 6th), moves upwards and forwards along the oblique axis passing through the neck of the rib.
            It increase antero posterior diameter of the chest cavity.

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