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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Size , shape & Situation

a)         Size & shape
Female breast remains in rudimentary from 
during childhood as in the male throughout
life It rapidly enlarges at thr age of puberty and
gets more developed during pregnancy & lactation 
but atropies in the old age It forms a large hemi 
spherical eminence on each side of the chest wall in
the young adult females. Size & weight of the breast 
are variableat different ages and in different individuals.

b)         Situation
It lies in the superficial fascia, because of the fact that it
is a modified sebaceous gland gland. It has no true
capsule but is unsheathed by the superficial fascia 
of the pectoral region.

c)         Extent
It extends vertically from the 2nd to the 6th rib and 
horizontally from the side of the sternum almost to 
the mid-auxiliary line opposite the 4th costal cartilage.
From the upper & outer part of the gland, a tongue-
like process, called the Axillary’s tail (of Spence), 
extends upwards by curling round the lower border 
of the Pectorals major up to the level of the 3rd rib 
in the axilla, where it comes into close relation with
 the auxiliary vessels.

d)         Relation
The deep surface of the gland is slightly concave
 with irregular outline an is separated from the deep
 fascia (pectoral fascia) covering the Pectoral is major, 
Stratus anterior and Oblique extern us abdominis by 
some quantity of loose areolas tissue which forms a 
soft cushion for the gland.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Nipple

The Nipple
A little below the centre of the convex subcutaneous surface, 
the nipple projects as a small conical or cylindrical 
eminence. In the non- pendulous breast, it lies in the 4th 
intercostals space about 4” away from the middle line.

 Its surface is warnkled and is of pink color and it is 
pierced by 15 to 20 Lactiferous ducts coming from the 
lobes of the same number.

 In addition to its ducts and numerous vessels, the nipple contains plain muscular fibers which on contraction due to some physical excitement causes it erection.

The Areola :  The base of the nipple is surrounded 
by a circular area of pigmented skin, called the Areola.
 In the virgin it is pinkish or rosy in colour; in 2nd month 
of 1st pregnancy it changes from pink to brown and 
as the pregnancy abvances, it becomes dark brown or
 even black but never regains the former pink colour, 
It contains a number of sebaceous glands (areolar glands)
 Which enlarge during lactation giving the appearance of small elevations under the skin

e)         Structure of the Breast
            1)         Glandular tissue.
2)         Fibrous tissue.
3)         Fatty tissue.

The Glandular : Forms 15-20 lobes which are divided into lobules. The lobes converge towards the nipple, where each opens by similar number of Lactiferous Ducts. Reaching the under surface of the areola, each duct is dilated to from the Lactiferous Sinus which serves as reservoir for milk.

The Fibrous Tissue: Forms the storma or framework of the gland connecting the lobes. The fibrous bands that traverse through the interlobular spaces connect the skin with the underlying deep fascia called the suspensory Ligaments (of Cooper), thus the gland remains anchored to the overlying skin.

The Fatty Tissue: Covers the surface of the gland and fills the gaps and fills the gaps in the parenchyma. It gives the rounded appearance of the organ. There is no fat beneath the areola and inpple.

Arter Supply
            1)         Lateral thoracic artery from the 2nd part of the Auxiliary artery.
2)         Perforating branches from the internal thoracic (mammary) artery of the 2nd, 3rd & 4th spaces.
3)         Mammary branches from the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Anterior intercostals arteries

g)         Venous drainage

The veins form a network the areola from where lager veins pass to the circumference of the gland and open into the auxiliary and Internal thoracic (mammary) veins.